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McBride and I have had some recent correspondence about duplicates and special items from my collection of pottery. I have at last succeeded in getting all the pieces together, and they will be forwarded to him by express the latter part of this week. I think you will find practically all of the pieces useful as gifts for the holiday season, but I want you to feel at perfect liberty to throw out and return any that may strike you as unsuitable. I have added to the lot some very charming specimens of bronze, which I have picked up in Japan, Europe and America during the last twelve years. These are the gems of my bronze collection, which I have decided to dispose of, and I thought they would make stunning presents , but please don't use any of them unless you feel perfectly satisfied with them. I have decided to confine my interest in Oriental Art to pottery, paintings on screens and kakemono, and wood-block prints. I find this field so very large and so perfectly in harmony with my desires that I shall give up the study of all other Oriental Arts, hoping thereby to have more time to advance improvements in my collection in the direction indicated.

I am leaving Detroit to-night for a trip to my farm, including short visits in Washington, New York and Boston. I wish you were here to go with me. With kind regards,
Yours faithfully,
Charles L Freer