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Now, as to all minor details, I don't think it is wise to reopen them on either side, so we will let all these matters drop as they should. The only object I have in writing you as fully as I am is to make clear to you to whom the property really belongs.

As to the item of $7.00. That is something that Mr. Williams spoke to me about, but I really have forgotten what I instructed him to do about it. It is merely a trifle, and as you seem to feel that it should be paid to you, I am happy indeed to send you herewith enclosed my check for $7.00, in settlement of the same. Please receipt the voucher enclosed and return same to me.

You seem disappointed with your experience on the farm in many ways, and evidently look with displeasure upon Mr. Williams. I need not, I am sure, tell you how sorry I am that you should have been disappointed either in the result of your work or in connection with the association with Mr. Williams. So far as the latter matter goes, as yourself and Mr. Williams are brothers-in-law and have known each other for many years, I am sure it would be wrong for me to enter into any discussion of these affairs. 

Now, if there are any items in connection with the 

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