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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
April 22nd, 1901.

Dear Mr. Matsuki:--

I have received the charming little piece of Oribe pottery with its accompanying card and thank you very much for your gift and Easter greetings.
My time has been so fully occupied since you were here that yesterday was the first chance I have had to look at the few pieces of pottery send me sometime ago. As yet, I have received no bill from you. Won't you kindly send same at your early convenience? Also be good enough to send me a bill for seventeen yards of silk used for curtains. The remnant of the silk unused will go to you by express to-morrow. I will send at the same time the two water jars mistakenly ascribed to Kenzan. This will give us a chance to get our accounts squared before you go to Japan and prior to my starting for Europe, whither I expect to go about the middle of next month.

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L. Freer

Bunkio Matsuki, Esq.,
#380 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.