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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 23rd, 1901.

My dear Mr. Bixby:--

Replying to your good letter of the 21st instant, I think that for a book such as you wish to issue there is really but one thoroughly satisfactory press in this country, that is, DeVinne's of New York. They not only have the best presses and types, but carry in stock rare papers, and show greater art in selection, arrangement, etc. than any other American printer. I think, also, that their judgment could be entirely depended upon in the matter of reproduction of portraits, etc. The firm of Curtiss & Cameron of Boston makes beautiful reproductions of photographs, but I think on the whole I would be willing, if I were you, to leave it all to DeVinne. I would advise you, however, not to undertake the preparation of the book without making a personal call at DeVinne's establishment. The gentleman in charge of their fine work is really an artist in such matters, and if you go to him and explain your wants, he will, I am sure, make suggestions which will help you to decide, and your own views can, at the same time, be incorporated in the makeup. You, perhaps, would find it convenient to make this call when finishing up Christmas work in New York. If it