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#33 Ferry Avenue
Detroit, Michigan,
April 22nd, 1901

My dear Watson:--

Your letter of April 20th, also the plans and specifications for the proposed hay barn, came this morning. I have examined the same carefully and it seems to me that the scheme is a very good one indeed. There are a few points in connection with the matter which I would prefer that you and George settle between you: First, would it not be better to make the barn one hundred feet long instead of eighty, as shown on the plan? Are the small hinged doors large enough? Does the overhang of roof project far enough? Is the siding to be put on vertically, edge to edge, or is it to be laid horizontally and lapped? this latter question is not important to my mind, but the specifications are incomplete in this respect. The painting, I presume, you intend to have done by one of the firms in Kingston who do that sort of work. If you and George will settle these matters between you, determining what you think will answer the purpose best, I will be entirely satisfied. The contract can then be closed with whomever you and George decide to have do the work, and whenever the building is finished, if you will notify Col. Hecker, he will remit for me.

Yours sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Watson M. Freer, Esq.,
Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y.