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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 11th, 1901.

Dear Tom:--

Since writing you last, I have made quite a visit in the East, and returned here on Friday last to meet Professor Fenolloss, who came to me that day as my guest, and who will remain here a few days longer. He is delivering a course of lectures here at the Detroit Museum of Art, and also coaching me in things Japanese. In the rush of these events, I have time only to write you a hurried note in connection with the Edison Light Company of Grand Rapids, Mich.

A perusal of the circular letter issued by that Company under date of December 3rd, enclosed herein, will show that the Company has increased its capital stock from two hundred thousand to three hundred and fifty thousand. The new issue, amounting to $150,000.00, is offered to the present stockholders at par, and you are given the right to subscribe for five shares. Inasmuch as the stock has been paying eight percent, and as the Company seems to be in excellent condition, and with opportunities to increase its business in connection with a new street car line being built by Mr. John Winter, we deemed it wise to take the 

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