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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
April 25th, 1901. 

Messrs. Oelrichs & Company, 
General Agents, North German Lloyd Steamship Co., 
#5 Broadway, New York City. 
Enclosed herewith, please find my check on the Guaranty Trust Company of New York for $146.00, in settlement for room N., Second Engineer, on Steamer Hohenzollern, sailing from New York to Naples, May 18th, 1901, as per details shown on the enclosed voucher, which kindly receipt and return to me at the above address. 
You will also find enclosed herewith your receipt for $100.00 on account, dated April 15th, 1901. 
Be good enough to issue the ticket in the name of Charles L. Freer, and oblige, 
Yours very truly, 
Charles L. Freer