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voucher #54:

One Water Jar by Kenzan, your number 1070, -------------- $135.00 

Same invoice, your number 1068, one Kenzan Water Jar, ---  175.00

Total --------------------------------------------------- $310.00

You are credited with your bill, 
April 24, 1901, 5 pos. pottery, ---- $138.00
Your bill Apr. 24,17 yds. silk, -----  10.20 ------------  148.20

Difference due me, -------------------------------------- $161.80

I am entirely willing to let this stand on my books until after your return.

Give my kind regards and best wishes to all enquiring friends in Japan.

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

Bunkio Matsuki, Esq.,
#380 Boylston Street,
Boston, Mass.