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#33 Ferry Avenue
Detroit, Michigan
April 29th, 1901

Dear Mr. Gookin:-

Many thanks for your kind letter of the 25th instant which came duly.

I shall be sure to communicate with you after my return home next fall, and trust that you can them easily arrange a time convenient to us both for seeing your collection. I am very sorry to be compelled to postpone it to that time, but there seems to be no way out of it.

I am glad to know that Mrs. Gookin loves Italy, especially in summer. It seems strange to me that a climate so equable and charming as that of Southern Italy, particularly Capri, during the summer months, is so little known by Americans. Two thousand years ago, the fact was known and enjoyed by the many, while to-day, the many consider it a most dangerous place to visit during the summer months.

Your plans for the summer seem to me very attractive, and I hope you will find your house at Winnetka thorough-