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76 #915 Union Trust Building, Detroit, Michigan, April 30, 1901. Miss. Mary Isabella Forsyth, Postoffice Bos #1053, Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y. My dear Miss. Forsyth:-- Your courteous letter of recent date, accompanied by a copy of the "Report of the Industrial Home" is received and carefully noted. The work with which you are identified is most commendable and calculated to do immeasurable good. The local calls made upon me are numerous and far exceed the amount I aim to give annually for charities such as yours, but I cannot refrain from sending you enclosed herewith check on New York, payable to your order for $100.00, with the hope that you will accept the same and that it will in a slight way assist the worthy cause you have in hand. Very sincerely yours, Charles L. Freer