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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
May 3rd, 1901.

Lucian Bellinetti, Esq.,
Care, Grande Hotel,
Naples, Italy.

My dear Sir:--

In accordance with the promise made you at the time I saw you in Naples last summer, I am writing you to let you know that I am soon to visit Italy. My plans are to sail from New York via the North German Lloyd Steamship "Hohenzollern" on May 18th, due in Naples May 31st or June 1st, next. As the Grande Hotel will be closed, I shall go from steamer to the Hotel Du Vesuve, spend the night there, and then do directly to Capri and visit for about one month with Mr. Jerome, then homeward bound, probably via Paris.

As I expect to do no travelling in Italy, I shall not need the services of a courier.

If you happen to be at Capri any time during the month of June, don't fail to call upon me at the Villa Castello, as I will be glad to see you at any time.

With every good wish, I remain,

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer