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33 Ferry Avenue
Detroit, Michigan
May 10th, 1901
My dear Mr. Morse:--
Your good letter came during a recent absence, and I am glad to have it before starting on my European trip. I found I could not get away quite as early as I had hoped, and I now intend sailing on the 18th instant, going direct to Naples.
Many thanks for the information you gave me concerning the green Chinese vase, also for the title of the Chinese books.
After my return next fall, I hope to obtain further information about them. I also fancy that 1f Hayashi is in Paris when I am there during the summer, he can perhaps enlighten me on the Chinese vase.
Mr. Dow spent two days with me, and if I were called upon to prepare a set of specifications descriptive of the man from my points of view, I could do nothing better than to copy your estimate of him as it appears in your good letter. He certainly is a very charming man, and I a delighted to have made his acquaintance.