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[[5 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Dec. 26th 1867 | Archer M.R. Agent | Dahlonega. Dec. 23rd 1867. Asks for information in regard to the payment of W.A.M. Lassiter and J.J. Cowl for labor. and Isaac Anderson Wm. Anderson & McBride for Hauling all of which were employed by Mr. Buck former Agent at this place and have not been paid for the same | C.T. Watson
A.A.QM & DO | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Decr. 28th 1867. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson AAQM & DO State of Ga. By order of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Sibley
Lieut & AAAG |

| Dec. 28th 1867. | Archer M.R. Agent Returned to Archer on Jan 14th 1868. Attention invited to endorsement of C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Dahlonega. Ga. Decr. 28th 1867 Makes Statement in regard to pay for Labor of Freedmen in the year 1865 Also a claim for coffins made for Freedmen by order of Capt. Buck. | C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F & A L Atlanta Ga. Decr. 30th 1867.
Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A A Q M & DO State of Ga. By order of Bvt. Brig Gen. Sibley
Lieut & AAAG |

| Jany 6. 1868 | Archer M.R. Agent &c | Dahlonega, Ga, Dec 31st/67 Forwards vouchers for payment of Postage for month of Dec'br 1867 
Dahlonega, Ga, Dec 31st/67 Forwards vouchers for services rendered as Agent of Bureau R.F & A.L. for month of Dec'br 1867
Dahlonega, Ga, Dec 31st/67 Report of persons & articles hired for of month of Decbr 1867 & vouchers for payment of same. | C.T. Watson AAQM & D.O Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F&A.L. Atlanta Ga. Jany 7th 1867 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. State of Ga.
By order of Bt Brig Genl Sibley
Lt & A.A.A.G. |

| Jany 7 1868 | Archer M.R. Agent &c | Dahlonega, Ga, Dec 31st/67 Forwards transportation account for the month of Dec'r 1867 | C.T. Watson | A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Jany 8th 1868
Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q. M. & D.O. State of Ga. By order of Bt Brig Genl Sibley
Lt & A.A.A.G. |

Transcription Notes:
The table encompasses both pages. Text on the right matches with text on the left. Changed to a 5 columned table by moving text on page 2 to appropriate entry on first page.