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Transcription: [00:06:44]
{SPEAKER name="Amy Baskette"} I'm sure there’s more, and I know there's more. She was the longest Secret Service protectee, and she was protected by the Secret Service for 44 years.

{SPEAKER 1} Question?

{SPEAKER name="Amy Baskette"} Sure!

{SPEAKER 1} One of my impressions of her was that she was a businesswoman, she bought and managed radio stations.

{SPEAKER name="Amy Baskette"} She. She did, uhm -

[[Cross talk with Speaker 1]]

{SPEAKER name="Amy Baskette"} It was early on, it was before - it was in the 1940s, early 1940s, she bought the radio station. It was several million dollars in debt when she bought it and after 7 months of ownership she had managed to turn a profit of $48.

And continued the success of this radio station, ended up acquiring a television station, and CBS affiliate rights for the Austin area.

{SPEAKER 1} So she was really the first professional First Lady.

{SPEAKER name="Amy Baskette"} Yes, she had a career of her own and she - she brought money into the marriage. Uhm, from her husband - er, from her father and her mother.

Uh, her father was the owner of a general store in Karnack, Texas and he was incredibly successful. He did everything from needle, thread, seed, ginning your cotton, renting you the land to grow your cotton on so you could come back and sell him the cotton and the seed and the --

and, uhm, did a little bit of dabbling in oil, when oil started to grow in Texas, but really most of his money was made just from the general store. And she had a bit of inheritance from that, and she had a bit of inheritance from when her mother died.

And she used her inheritance as she saw fit. Even if he did not necessarily think it was a wise investment, she was more than -- and she inherited a lot of her business acumen from her father.

She graduated cum laude from University of Texas with a degree in journalism. She also had a degree in the Arts and, uhm, a teaching certificate. Just in case.

She was really - she was orphaned at a young age by, well, her mother died at a young age - she wasn't orphaned. Uhm. And her father had her s-- her mother's sister, her maternal aunt, raise her.

And her maternal aunt was kind of a wispy kind of woman, not real [[pause, jewelry jangling]] substantial. Not real independent. Not--