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Transcription: [00:09:07]
{SPEAKER name="Amy Baskette"} And so that was one of the things that Lady Bird decided she didn't want to be. She didn't want to be dependent on her brothers or her husband or her father for any of her support. And so she took that example as something she didn't want to do and didn't want to be.

And then she also took the example of some of her future stepmothers, who were just a little too [[pause]] the other direction for her. They were either sassy, or [[jewelry jangling]] overly sexual or whatever. She just -- she found women who she admired, and she tried to mimic them, but she always wanted to have some sort of independence,

and some means of supporting herself without needing a man. Which is kind of interesting because

she stayed married for so long even though it was [[pause]] it was, it was a marriage. Uhm. And they -- he was unfaithful. And she never commented about it. And actually prior to the Clinton scandal she had been interviewed, uhm, several years after Clinton had gotten

into office but before all of his discretion started to become known and she's like, "Well you just don't talk about those things, it's between --" and anytime anybody asked her about it she wouldn't answer.

And so when the Clinton scandal broke and Miss Clinton, Hillary Rodham, didn't say anything she's like, "Well I know, why should she? It's not your business."

And so she even, prior to, she's like "people don't need to know everything about politicians they just need to--"

-- so uhm [[jewelry jangling]] -- so uhm, but uhm, so they stayed married for their entire -- his entire life, and uhm she, but she was a successful business- she was educated.

Prior to meeting LBJ she had sent off for information to teach in Alaska and Hawaii. And at the time, in the 1930s, both those areas were still territories. So it was the most adventurous thing she could think of doing while doing something that wasn't quite out of the ordinary. It was expected or

not frowned upon for a woman to become a teacher. So she was - she was trying to find a way to become her own woman but not ruffle too many feathers.

She wanted some independence but didn't want to be seen as one of those 'Independent Women. It's - It was a balancing act.

{SPEAKER name="Interviewer"} How did she get the name "Lady Bird"?

{SPEAKER name="Amy Baskette"} It was a nickname given to her. There's contradictory ways that it was given to her, some people say her father gave it to her. Some people say it - her nurse gave it to her.

Uhm, the most frequent attribution is her nurse.