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Transcription: [00:22:03]
{Speaker 1} [[?]] the portrait of Charles Sumner, who was a good friend of both Mary and Lincoln,

their relationship is interesting.

{SPEAKER name="Erin Carlson Mast"}
Yeah throughout their entire lives, and that's also someone

--Mary did have a tendency to win people over who didn't necessarily feel a close connection with her up front,

just as Abraham is able to charm people who meet him for the first time with preconceptions and judgements about who he is,

and Sumner was a friend to Mary well after Lincoln's assassination as well, so.

{Speaker 1} And may I add in Mary's defense that when she was declared insane by her son Robert's actions

and examined by --testified against-- by doctors who had never, ever examined her,

she smuggled a letter out to one of the first woman lawyers and got her freedom to go back to her sister's

and she later went through the trouble of going to court and having herself declared sane again, but once branded, forget it.

{SPEAKER name="Erin Carlson Mast"}
Once, exactly, once branded forget it, and that actually, I mean that spins off into interesting stories in general

about the nature of institutional care and how oftentimes women were institutionalized

because they were considered an embarrassment to their family. And Robert tried to defend his decision

to institutionalize his mother because he did actually feel some pushback from people who thought maybe he was doing it for his own personal political ambitions, yeah.

Have you found anything to support the idea that she was a victim of diabetes which really wasn't well known at the time

and well treated and then part of her personality difficulties would've been high blood sugar gone out of control?

{SPEAKER name="Erin Carlson Mast"}
I have read that, but, um, like a lot of the posthumous diagnoses of Mary Lincoln,

it's really hard to sort out what is more likely than another because, I mean,

she's also been declared schizophrenic posthumously and it's --I mean-- a lot of the evidence might support that she did have one of those conditions,

but there's really no way that we can be certain.

{Speaker 2} Thank you very much for coming everyone, I want to remind you, you're standing in one of the very finest collections

of Lincoln portraits and Lincoln ephemera anywhere. There are 4 or 5 genuinely singular