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#915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan
October 22nd, 1903

Dear Cousin:- 
I have your good letter of the 20th instant, enclosing
draft on Chicago for $60.00, in payment of interest coupon on the loan for #2,000.00, due to-morrow, and thank you very much for the same. The Chicago draft is entirely satisfactory to me. 

I am so glad to know that you are enjoying good health, and am pleased to say that I am very well. I spent four months in Europe this year, and am now at home again and expect to be here the balance of this year.
With best regards, 
Yours sincerely, Charles V Lang

P.S. Please find cancelled coupon herewith enclosed. 

Charles V. Lang, Esq., 
#347 East 17th St., 
Minneapolis, Minn.