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Transcription: [00:11:43]
{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
He was 77.

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
He was approximately 77 years old. We don't know the exact year he was born so it is hard to know the exact year that he died. But his birthdate is coming up on February 14. He always celebrated his birthday on Valentine's Day.

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}
Are you doing any programming related to his birthday?

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
Yes, we are. Yes, we are.

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
Oh ya.

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
It is the 90th anniversary of women's suffrage, a cause that was very dear to Mr. Douglas' heart. Some of the other portraits you see in the house are of Elizabeth Katie Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, two of his good friends. Those are in the house as well. Very committed to the women's rights movement so we'll be celebrating the women's rights movement.

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
We're gonna have a wonderful actor in Fenmore South who's gonna come by and do a presentation called "Why I Became A Women's Rights Man" which is a compilation of a couple of Douglass' speeches. He's a very powerful speaker. We'll have the most recent professor to write a book about the women's rights movement will be speaking, Ms. Sally McMillen. There will be some music and some other things.

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
Children's activities.

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
Douglass was a great violinist so we always try to have a violin playing in there somewhere, as well.

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}
Are any of his children, I know he had children with his first wife. Did he have any with his second wife as well?

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
All his kids are with his first wife. They're all with his first wife.

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}
And, um, did she die and then he married again?

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
Yes, yes.

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}
And were there five children?


{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
Five children.

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
There were five kids, five kids. Four of them lived to be adults, one of them dies when she's, she's very young.

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}
And does that family continue?

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}
They do. They do. They actually, they actually intermarry with the Booker T. Washington family, if you've heard of him. Uh, so the Booker T. Washington familly and Douglass family actually intermarry, and actually that branch of the family has now started the Douglass Family Foundation, which works very hard to combat modern day slavery. So they're still quite active as a family.

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}
You mentioned, um, Frederick Douglass' stature as sort an, uh, official spokesman for the African American community.

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
Uh huh.

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}
Were there collaborations or conflicts with other leaders in the community? Were there other people that wanted that chair and had, you know, a [[?]] fight?

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
I mean it wasn't. He didn't have an official.

{SPEAKER name="Crowd Member"}

I'm just kidding

{SPEAKER name="Shoshi Weiss"}
But, in terms of conflict.

{SPEAKER name="Main Speaker"}

He's perfectly willing to come in to conflict with people who he likes. He actually conflicts with the women's rights movement during reconstruction when the amendments are being passed to end slavery and extend pand the suffrage.

Transcription Notes:
-Fixed Formatting (Added Time stamps and Speaker tags] -Not all Crowd member speaker tags are the same person. Change if needed. There should be 3 different speaker for the tag.