Viewing page 268 of 804

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[[7-Column Table]]

|M|26|>√|only 896|Chure?, green glaze|30|8.00√|
|-|27|>√|897|id. black striped|25||7.00√|
|-|28|>√|898|id. sal yellow spat|20|6.00√|
|-|29|>√|899|id. Dark brown|15|4.50√|
|-|30|>√|900|id. brown, large|30|8.0|
|-|31|>√|1901|use, colored Riku|90|25.00|
|-|32|>√|902|id. striped Temba|15|5.00|
|-|33|>√|1903|id. white & brown|25|7.5|
|-|34|>√|1904|id. Oribe|15|5.00|
|-|35|>√|905|id. light brown|40|11.00√|
|-|36|>√|906|id. " " large|45|12.00√|
|-|37|>√|907|id. green glare|20|7.00√|
|-|38|>√|908|Hibachi, "Letv"|60|16.00√|
|-|39|>√|909|Waterpot green glare|90|25.00√|
|-|40|>√|910|Cup, green and blue|25|7.00√|
|-|41|>√|911|Jansike, Bean shape, Riker|60|17.00√|
|-|42|>√|912|small cups, green, flower shape|15|4.50√|
|-|43|>√|912|Hanaike green & white|8|4.0|
|-|44|>√|914|small figure box for incense|15|4.5|
|-|46|>√|916|Figure, green glaze, Portrait of a poet|20|5.50√|
|-|47|>√|917|" Riverman, stared gaze|75|20.00√|
|-|48|>√|918|small vessel, yellow, Kin man|6|3.00√|
|-|49|>√|919|Tea boral, Leta, (Bowes callectier?)|150|40.00|
|-|50|>√|920|Figme of a Rakhan, Hizen, id.)|45|12.00√|
|-|51|>√|921|small Kagu, duck, Biren|50|13.00√|
|-|52|>√|922|Hanachi, mouse on maisfront|60|16.00√|
|-|53|>√|923|id. Buddha's portrait|90|25.00√|
|-|54|>√|924|Flower vase awaits, red fishes|45|12.00|
                                            M 2022
                x0 less 5% cash discount       101
                                            M 1921
|N|55|39|prices old Slake Battles xu for net   195@1.75
                                         net M 2116
                                   Packing       10
                                             M 2126