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2 T F 117 


WM SPROULE, Freight Traffic Mgr., Pac. Sys. and Or. Lines, San Fran'co, Cal. EDWIN HAWLEY, Asst. General Traffic Manager, 349 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 
C. H. MARKHA Asst. Frt. Traffic Mgr., Pac. Sys. and Or. Lines, S. F., Cal. H. A. JONES, Freight Traffic Manager, Atlantic System, Houston, Tex. 
G. W. LUCE, General Freight Agent, Pacific System, San Fransisco, Cal. W. H. MASTERS, Asst. Traffic Manager, Atlantic System, New Orleans, La. 
R. B. MILLER, General Freight Agent, Oregon Lines, Portland, Or. C. K. DUNLAP, Gen'l Freight Ag't, G.H.&S.A. and H.&T.C. Rys., Houston, Tex. 
G. A. PARKYNS, Asst. General Freight Agent, Pacific System, Los Angeles, Cal. W. G. NEIMYER, General Western Agent, 193 Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. 
G. W. FLETCHER, General Agent, 613 Market Street, San Fransisco, Cal. 



DELIVERED to the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, at... [[stamp]] SAN FRANSISCO, CAL. [[/stamp]]... the following described packages, in apparent good order (contents and value unknown) consigned as marked and numbered below, to be carried upon the conditions expressed herein to the COMPANY'S FREIGHT STATION at... [[stamp]] OGDEN [[/stamp]] and there delivered in like good order to the consignee or owner, or to the order of said consignee or owner, or to such Company o Carriers (if the same are to be forwarded beyond said station) whose line may be considered a part of the route to the place of destination of said goods or packages; it being distinctly stipulated that the responsibility of this Company shall cease at the Station where delivered to such person or carrier. 

It is further stipulated that the service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, herein contained, and said conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and by him accepted for himself assigns as just and reasonable. 

This Company is not a carrier of money, valuable papers, bullion or manufactured articles of gold or silver, jewels or watches, or valuable mineral specimens, and therefore will not undertake to transport same upon any terms. 

ROUTING: To enable it to guarantee through rates the absolute and unqualified right of routing beyond its own terminal is reserved by the Southern Pacific Company. 

STATION WITHOUT AGENT: If the property is destined to a station on the line of the delivering carrier at which such carrier has no Agent, it is understood and agreed that the delivering carrier shall have fully performed its service, and is released from responsibility, when property shall have been left at such place on carrier's line as is directed by shipper. Further, that all charges on such property must be prepaid. If not prepaid it will be held for delivery at nearest station where there is an agent. 

CARLOAD RATES: When the carload rates are named they are conditioned upon the quantity which the tariff provides shall be shipped by one shipper to one consignee.

MISREPRESENTATION: When the contents of packages are incorrectly described, charges will be based on the actual contents.

WEIGHTS: Freight to be paid on the weight of the line's railroads scales, and on property liable to evaporation, shrinkage or leakage, such as Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, Liquids, etc., to be paid on weight at time and place of shipment.

DELAY IN TRANSIT: This Company will not be responsible for accidents or delays from unavoidable causes nor does it agree to carry freight by any particular train or boat or in time of any particular market.

TRANSFER: All freight is subject to transfer en route as the necessities or convenience of carriers require, and should be loaded so that transfer and reloading may be made without injury. All freight shipped at carload rates is at owner's risk of damage caused by transfer en route, it being understood that no freight is authorized to be contracted through without transfer.

CHARGES: The owner or consignee to pay freight charges as per freight charges as per specified rates upon the goods as they arrive.

PREPAYMENT: Freight charges on any property (perishable or other) which at forced sale may not be worth the charges to destination, including the following articles, must be prepaid to the point to which this Company names the rate, and the charges thence to destination must be prepaid or covered by a good and sufficient guarantee that same will be paid on delivery: 'Bulbs and Roots, Cactus Fibre, Chests (filled), Fresh Fish and Meats Grape Cuttings, Green Fruit, Hogs (dressed), Household Goods, Lemons and Oranges, Live Plants and Trees, Marble, (wrought), Mineral Water, Ore, Ore Sweepings, Personal Effects, Potatoes, Poultry (live or dressed), Shrubbery, Stone, Trunks (empty), Vegetables.

DELIVERY: Freight carried by this line must be removed from the station immediately on its arrival, being at owner's risk thereafter, and if not taken within 24 hours after arrival it may be stored at the owner's risk and expense, and in the event of its destruction or damage from any cause while in the depot of this line, it is agreed that said line shall not be liable to pay any damage therefor. Storage and demurrage charges, when consignees do not take immediate delivery at destination, are subject to the rules of delivering lines.

FREIGHT TO ORDER: When property is consigned to order of shipper, the name of some party at destination must be given to whom delivery can be made or notice of arrival sent, otherwise all charges to destination must be prepaid.

INSPECTION: Shippers should express hereon their wishes in the matter of allowing inspection of property at destination before payment of charges and surrender of Bill of Lading. Unless notation is made hereon that such inspection may be allowed, it is assumed by the carrier that inspection is forbidden.

RESPONSIBILITY: The responsibility of this Company and each succeeding carrier for loss or damage does not extend beyond its own line.
None of said carriers is to be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, except such as may be proximately caused by its negligence. 

ADJUSTMENT OF LOSSES: Except when otherwise agreed, the value or cost of property at place and date of shipment is to govern settlement and carrier is to have the benefit of any insurance effected by or on account of the owners of said freight. Notice of loss or damage must be given to the delivering carrier within thirty-six (36) hours after property has been delivered.

MARKS, CONSIGNEE AND DESTINATION must be plainly written below and contents of packages correctly described--the use of such terms as "Mdse," "Sundries," etc., is not permissible. Carriers are not responsible for damages caused by the illegibility of marks or errors in shipping directions. Agents must insist on shippers specifying the kind and number of packages constituting the carload shipments, and when loaded by shippers receipt for same as "Shipper's Load and Count." Agents must see that place and date are duly filled in.

Desiring to receive the benefit of any lower rate provided for freight upon carriers being released, or at owner's risk, or at a specified value of ... in consideration of such lower rate being applied on the within shipment, we hereby agree that none of said carriers is to be liable for any loss or damage of any kind, except such as may be caused by its gross negligence, and that the goods covered by this Bill of Lading are of the value of ... per ...  and that in no event is carrier to be liable for any loss or damage to said goods from any cause in excess of the valuation above named.


[[stamp]] OVERLAND FREIGHT TRANSFER CO. [[/stamp]] Shipper.

RECEIVED the following described packages, in apparent good order (contents and value unknown) consigned as marked and numbered below, to be transported upon the conditions expressed herein to the COMPANY'S FREIGHT STATION at [[stamp]] OGDEN [[/stamp]] and there delivered in like good order to the consignee or owner, or to order of said consignee or owner, or to such Company or carriers (if the same are to be forwarded beyond said station)., whose line may be considered a part of the route to the place of destination of said goods or packages; it being distinctly stipulated that the responsibility of this Company shall cease at the Station where delivered to such person or carrier. 

[[stamp]] S . R . CHAPPEL. AGT. [[/stamp]]

It is further stipulated that the service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, herein contained.

STATION [[stamp]] SAN FRANCISCO CAL. [[/stamp]] Date [[stamp]] OCT 21 1902 [[/stamp]] By Mon Agent.

[[4 column table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| MARKS, CONSIGNEE AND DESTINATION. | ARTICLES | WEIGHT. Subject to correction to weight on lines railroad scale. | Rate in cents per 100lbs. |
| Chas L Freer 33 Ferry Av Detroit, Mich | 2 x Japanese Paper | 400 | 345 |

[[stamp]] PREPAY PUT IN O.F.T. CO. BOX. [/stamp]]

Car No ... Initials ... ROUTE VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO D&RG c/o Burlington Rinte

[Blank spaces below will be filled in by agent.] 

Rate of freight named above is guaranteed on this shipment for the transportation from [[stamp]] SAN FRANSISCO [[/stamp]] to [[stamp]] DETROIT. [[/stamp]] 
[[stamp]] S.R. CHAPPEL By [[/stamp]] W.J.T Agent.

CHARGES ADVANCED, $ ... Agent ...
RECEIVED, $1380 to apply in prepayment of the charges on the property described herein.

[[stamp]] S.R. CHAPPEL By [[/stamp]] W.J.T Agent