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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan,
February 19th, 1903.

My dear Sir:--

I am in receipt of your circular letter of the 10th instant, also another issued by members of the Fort Street Presbyterian Church, dated the 18th instant, invisting me to become a member of a Club to be called the "Presbyterian Club of Detroit", and appreciate the honor conferred thereby.

My club membership is already so large that I find it impossible to give any time whatever to at least seventy-five percent thereof. Under these conditions, it is altogether probable that by joining the proposed club, I could not be of any benefit to it, nor could I expect to receive any of its advantages.

I, therefore, beg to be excused from joining the organization.

Thanking you for the opportunity given, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

W. R. Ferrand, Esq.,
President, Presbyterian Club,
#706 Woodward Avenue,