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Anyway, 6 self-portraits. Alice Neel was born in 1900. She went to the Moore College of Art and Design. She married a fellow art student, a Cuban, Carlos EnrĂ­quez,

went back to live with his family after they had a daughter that turned, in Cuba, that turned out not to be a successful strategy on her part.

The couple came back to New York, ultimately had another daughter, lost the daughter to diphtheria.

Alice had a breakdown, the marriage fell apart, etc, etc.

The interesting thing about Alice Neel is that she has always been a great painter.

She was a great figurative painter in the 30s, in the 40s, and in the 50s.

But Alice Neel got virtually no recognition until 1970.

Until the same time as all this ferment was happening in society.

There's an article that every contemporary historian, art historian, knows -called, was written in- published in art news in January 1971.

It was written by Linda Nochlin and it was called "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists".

And her thesis was that women were cut out of accessibility to schools,

and the only sort of historical people that you hear about are women whose fathers were artists and therefore they got sort of homeschooling

Anyway, this article was interesting because it again had its share of statistics

and one of them that was mind-boggling was that of the hundred one-person exhibitions that the Museum of Modern Art had done over its lifetime, only 3 were devoted to women.

So these numbers that point out these huge discrepancies were again facts that were useful in changing people's perception.

Alice, who had been painting since the 30s, became the poster child in some ways of the movement among women artists to gain more visibility, she'd always been working.

So, in the 1970s she gets a show at the Whitney, she gets a show at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art,

and literally her reputation grew enormously and continues to grow today.

Why was Alice willing, in 1970, to paint from a photograph as opposed to a live sitting?

After all, if you look at her portraits, she's great at capturing the personality of the individual

I think it's because she wanted to be on Time Magazine, and also she too was a supporter of the feminist revolution

And if you look at photographs of Millett at that time and you look at this portrait, I think you get a sense of the energy and intelligence of this individual.

So, that's my little talk about this portrait!

So if you have any questions, feel free to

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-16 10:58:11