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829#  Office Heading
Dec 16th. 1868 -

Sullivan. C. A. 
Starkville. Miss -

The General Comdg this dist. desires me to investigate & report the names of persons most competent to fill the vacancies in the board of Aldermen, & also to fill the position of Mayor of your town -
As you are acquainted with the citizens of Starkville & also familiar with their acts for the past three years, you would confer a favor on me by forwarding to this office as soon as possible the names of persons who in your opinion would be the most competent for the positions -
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.

830#  Office Heading
Dec 17th. 1868 -

Sunderland. J. W. Lt. usa -
D.O&A.A.Q.M. B.R.F&A.L. Vicksburg. Miss.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following vouchers for payment -
Vouchers of JC Shepard for services for Dec. 1868 -    $99.17
Vouchers for myself for postage for Dec. 1868 -          8.00
Very respectfully                                     $107.17
Your Obdt. Servt.
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.
"P. S"
Vouchers for rent have not been enclosed, as there are no blanks in the office - Please forward one set of blanks (form 11) for rent - Vouchers for fuel for Dec. have been forwarded to your office.


831#  Office Heading
Dec 19th 1868 -

Sunderland. Lt. J.W. usa -

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of $131.67 in payment of JC Shepard's Vouchers for Dec. Fred. Thyler's Vouchers for Dec. and Vouchers for myself for postage & woods for Dec 1868 -
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.

832#  Office Heading
Dec 22nd 1868 -

Sunderland. Lieut. J. W. usa -
D.O.&A.A.Q.M. Vicksburg. Miss.

I have the honor to transmit herewith Vouchers for expenses incurred, which I have signed, but left blank in order that they may be properly filled up at your office -
My expenses were incurred in traveling from Columbus Miss. to Dr. Moore's Plantation [[?]] miles from Artesia, Dec 16th to 18th 1868 -                                       $6.40
From Columbus, Miss. to 8 miles beyond Mayhew Station, Dec 8th to 10th 1868 -                                    $8.20 
From Columbus, Miss. to Okalona, Miss and return Sept 27th to 29th 1868 -                                       $5.00
Very Respectfully                                $19.60
Your Obdt. Servt.
Capt. 34th Inft. Sub. Asst. Comr.