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| Preston A.W. A.A.A.G.  /27 | Endorsement on a communication from J.S. Cain of Okolona, inquiring if a Contract Physician for that place will be employed under the Freedmens Bureau Bill &c C-3-F.B.D.C. 1866. Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A L Office Sub Commissioner Columbus Miss Augt 21st 1866 Respectfully forwarded to Major A.W. Preston, AAA Genl Bureau R F & A L State of Miss, for the necessary information Geo. S. Smith Capt Bt Major Sub Comr |

| Preston A.W. Major. & A A A Genl /28 | Endorsement on Communication from A.M Chandler of Palo Alto Stating that decisions of Courts in that County had prevented Lee Radford taking possession of his child. Apprenticed to B.F. Clark; on the ground of illegitimacy, and wishing to be informed in regard to the matter C-4-FBDC-1866. Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A L Office Sub Commissioner Columbus Moss Aug 22d 1866 Respectfully forwarded to Major A.W Preston A A A Genl Bu R.F. & A L State of Miss for his information and orders in the premises Geo. S. Smith Capt Bvt Major Sub Comr |


| Williams C R. Lieut Sub Comr  /29 | Endorsement on a communication from Lieut C. R. Williams Sub Comr. Dist of Jackson Miss. Asking information in relation to a son of Robt Bledsoe. W-31-FBDC-1866. Bureau R. F. & A. L. Office Sub Commissioner Columbus Miss Aug 25th 1866. Respectfully returned to Lieut Williams for information as to whether the within named man is a white or a freedman  Geo. S. Smith Capt Bvt. Major Sub Comr |

|   | Endorsement on communication from Major Genl Th J Wood. Asst Commr Bu R. F. & A L State of Miss. is relation to applications for Transportation  W. 32. FB.D.C. 1866 Head Qrs Dept of Miss Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A. L. Vicksburg Augt. 18th 1866 
Respectfully returned. Make Application for transportation. Accompanied by a Surgeons Certificate. This will be done in all similar cases. The colored people should defray the expenses of some one to attend this cripple to Lauderdale & return, if they will not, and the man cannot go alone, then transportation must be asked for attendant and his return. But first make all endeavors to urge the colored people to defray the necessary expenses  By Order of Maj Genl Th J Wood Sd A. W. Preston A A A Genl |