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| Preston A.W. A.A.A. Genl 30/35 | Continuation of Endorsement on Communication from Sub Comr. Dist of Columbus. calling attention to the case of one Willis (Cold) a cripple brought from Ala and left in the street, recommending that he be sent to the Lauderdale Hospital &c. W.32.F.B.D.C. 1866 Hd Qrs Dept of Miss Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c Vicksburg Aug 30th 1866 Respectfully returned to Major Smith. Will not some private physician give a Certificate, in order to rid the villiage of such a poor sick man? If he will not and the Colored people will not pay the price a private physician might charge for a certificate, then state thesr facts and all you know of "Willis." and ask for transportation for him to Lauderdale Hospital By Order of Major Genl Th. J. Wood Sd. A.W. Preston A A A Genl Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c Office Sub Commissioner Columbus Miss Sept 7th 1866 Respectfully returned to Bt Major Preston with Surgeons Certificate, paid for by the Cold people, & would request that transportation to Lauderdale be furnished this cripple Geo. S. Smith Bt Major Sub Comr | 

| Preston A.W. Major. A A A Genl 36 | Endorsement on communication for C.W. Williams U S Comr. Rienzi Tishamingo Co Stating that he has resided 29 years in the county and is generally acquainted. but knows of but one person named Steel in the county, and that is Newton Steele. will make further inquiries & give information obtained W-40-FBDC-1866. Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L. Office Sub Commissioner Columbus Miss. Sept 11th 1866 Respectfully forwarded to Major A W Preston, A.A.A.G with the remark that I wrote the Hon Jas. C. Stewart U.S. Dist Atty. Corinth Tishamingo Co at same time. but as yet have received no reply. If other information is elicited. the same will be communicated Geo. S. Smith Capt Bt Major Sub Comr |

|    | Endorsement on communication of A McWilliams (Freedman) who desires to be informed who is the Agent of the Bureau at Tishamingo Tishamingo Co Miss. W-37-F.B.D.C. 1866. Head Qrs Dept of Miss Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c Vicksburg Aug 29th 1866 Respectfully referred to Maj Geo. S. Smith Sub Comr. Dist of Columbus. He will (over) |