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30.  31

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| Preston A. W. Major. A.A.A. Genl 38/39  | to accompany papers referred to him from this office July 28th 1866
By order of
Bvt Maj Genl Wood U.S.A.
Sd. A. W. Preston
A.A.A General

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Sept. 6th/66
Respectfully returned with accompanying papers in this case. to Major A. W. Preston A.A.A. Genl &c,
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bvt Major
Sub Comr |

| Wood J. J. Maj Genl Asst Comr Miss.  Green J. J.  /40 | War Dept Bu R.F&AL
Washington D.C Sept 6th 1866,
G.5. FB.D.C. 1866
Respectfully referred to Maj Genl Thos J Wood Asst Commr, Vicksburg Miss_
By Order of Maj Genl
O O Howard
Sd Wm Fowler
Asst Adjt Genl

Head Qrs Dist Miss
Bureau Refugees Freedmen & AL Vicksburg Sept 13 1866 Respectfully returned Mr J J Greene, thro Maj Geo S Smith. Sub Commissioner Dist Columbus. Attention invited to enclosed orders from this Office. It does not appear that Mr Greene comes under the requirements of Genl Orders No 13-
By Order of Brevet Maj Genl
Th. J. Wood
Sd A W Preston
AAA Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & AL
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Sept 17th 1866

Respectfully returned to Mr J. J. Greene with reference to endorsement hereon from Major Genl Wood. Asst Comr. State of Miss.
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bt Major
Sub Comr |

| Preston A. W. Maj. AAA Genl |  Endorsement on communication from Capt Wm Louis Tidball Asst Supt &c Asking for information in regard to husband of Lilly Ann Scott
T. 12. F.B.D.C. 1866.

Head Qrs. Dist Miss
Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Vicksburg Sept 6th 1866
Respectfully referred to Major Geo. S Smith Sub Commissioner Dist of Columbus
By Order of Maj Genl Wood Comdg
Sd A. W. Preston
A.A.A General

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & AL
Office Sub Commissiobner
Columbus Miss Sept 23d 1866
(over) |