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| Stewart J. E. Esqr. | in the rights which are equal for all, be they white or black in the skin, any more than in any other municipality
By Order of
Bvt Maj Genl Wood
Sd, A. W. Preston
A.A. A G

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A L
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Jany 7th 1867

Respectfully returned to J. E. Stewart Esqr. and attention invited to the endorsement of Maj Gen Wood Asst Comr.
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bt Major
Sub Comr | 

| Horner Surg  /5 | Endorsement on communication from Major S. H Horner returning account of Dr F. B. Carter


Hd Qrs Mil Dist of Miss Bu R F & A L
Office Surgeon in Chief
Vicksburg Miss Novr 23d 1866.

Respectfully referred to Bt Major A. W. Preston A A A G for action, with the remark that this office is not aware of any precedent admitting this account. Freedman Simpson should have been sent to the nearest Hospital for sick of his Class-
Sd, S. H. Horner
Asst Surg Bt Major USA
Surg in Chief

Hd Qrs District of Miss Bu R F & A L
Vicksburg Novr 24' 1866.

Respectfully returned to Major S. H. Horner Surgeon in Chief. There being no precedent for these cases it is not thought it would benefit the service to establish one, as a way to immense fraud would thereby be opened -
By order of Major Genl Wood
Sd, A W Preston

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A L
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Jany 10" 1867.

Respectfully returned to Major Horner Surgeon in Chief Bureau R F & A L, and the hope expressed that a more definite statement of the facts in this case may lead to a favorable consideration of Dr Carters account.

The boy Simpson with others was induced, through the influence of the Bureau to leave Washington and go to Alabama, where after working some five months and receiving no pay, left and came here, was taken sick and turned out of doors. Some one - I was told it was a City Official - had him conveyed to the building under my charge used as a School for freedmen, expecting, as I have reason to believe, that my attention would be - as it was - called to his condition by some of the black people. I found the boy lying on his back on one of the hard benches, helpless, and barely able to speak. I immediately sent for a Physician, Dr Carter, and made arrangements to have him cared for. But for the timely action on my part the boy would, in all probability, have died; and as there had, but a short time before, been two deaths from want of care, in this very building, I determined in this instance to make all reasonable effort to save life-

It is said [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] "freedman Simpson should have been sent to the nearest Hospital for sick of his class."

This could not be done for two reasons. 1st [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] It would have been not only imprudent but impossible, without great risk of life, to have moved him in his then helpless condition. 2d The only Hospital in this State under the control of the Bureau is at Lauderdale, and before a patient can be sent there, permission and transportation must be obtained from the Asst Commissioner at Vicksburg, consuming in so doing from eight to ten days. If this boy had died, as I verily believe he |