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| Tedford F.J. Agt Bureau  8 | Endorsement on Communication from F.J. Tedford Agt Bureau Monroe & Chickasaw Counties
T.1.FB.D.C. 1867
Head Quarters Dist of Miss
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Vicksburg Jan 17th 1867 -

Respectfully returned to Mr. Tedford (Thr'u Sub Comr Dist of Columbus) - 
When the necessity arises for renting an office, if Mr. Tedford will specify the same and forward his request, through Maj Geo S Smith S.C.D.G. his case will be considered

Stationery will be furnished him if he will make his requisition, stating what are his needs and forwarding the same here
By Order of 
Bvt Brig Genl A.C. Gillen
A.W. Preston

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & AL
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Jan 21st 1867

Respectfully transmitted to T.J. Tedford Esq Agt Bureau, Monroe & Chickasaw Counties, and attention invited to endorsement of Major A.W. Preston AAAG
Geo. S. Smith
Bvt Major
Sub Comr |

| Chandler, A.M.  Palo Alto, Miss  28/9 | Endorsement on communication of A.M. Chandler, Palo Alto Chickasaw Co Miss. Stating that Lea Radford (Colr) has failed to obtain possession of his child. Apprenticed to B.F. Black. The courts deciding that illegitimacy deprived him of all right to the same. 
C.4.F.B.D.C. 1866 -

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L. 
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Aug 22nd 1866

Respectfully forwarded to Major A.W. Preston A.A.A Genl Bureau R F & A.L. State of Miss. for his information and orders in the premises
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bvt Major
Sub Comr

Head Qrs Dist of Miss
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburg Miss Aug 24th 1866

Respectfully referred to G.G. Adams Soliciter for opinion
By Order of 
Maj Genl Th. J. Woods
Sd A.W. Preston
A.A.A Genl 

Vicksburg Miss
Aug 25th 1866

Respectfully returned with the following remarks
The Mother of the illegitimate child in question has the right to the care and custody of the child as against her, the |