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| Preston A.W- A.A.A.G 12 | Endorsement on communication from Jonathan Wilson. Requesting that Vouchers in favor of himself and teachers for actual cost of Transportation be forwarded to the Asst Comr at Vicksburg for payment.

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Jan 30th 1867

W.9-F.B.D.C. 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Major A.W. Preston A.A.A.G Bu R.F. & A.L and payment reccommended.

Geo S Smith
Bvt Major
Sub Comr |

|    | Continuation of endorsement on communication from Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c. Washington D.C. requesting that a school building at Okolona occupied by Mrs Wm B. Lacy be repaired.

Head Qrs Dist of Miss
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburg Jan 25th 1867

Respectfully returned to Maj Geo. S. Smith Sub Comr. Dist of Columbus

He should inform Mrs Wm B Lacy or E.H. Lacy, of the law in this matter, that advances cannot be made, but that for expenditures actually made for repairs to school houses, reimbursement will be made, Though the Asst Comr desires most heartily to have this school prosper, he cannot transcend the provisions of the law. If the writer of the enclosed letter will send estimates of the amounts stated in the letter aid can be extended in this amount, and something can be done to render the school house mentioned as having been deserted. more comfortable.

With this, and the additional monthly allowance upon school reports as specified in Circulars 17 & 23 from this Office series 1866, this School might be placed in a good building

At least the Sub Comr must not allow the School to fail - His attention is called G.O. No 2. for this Office of Jan 17th 1866. and to the 2d & 3d sentences of the 2d page of G.O. 26. series of 1866 from this Office.

By Order of Bvt Brig Gen Gillem
A.W. Preston

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Jan 30th 1867.

Respectfully forwarded to Mrs E H Lacy, & her careful attention invited to the endorsements hereon from Major A.W. Preston A.A.A G. It is believed estimates can be made of amounts already expended for work and materials. and certainly any carpenter can make specific estimates of the amounts required to put the building in working order

Geo. S. Smith
Capt & Bvt Major
Sub Commr |