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| Preston A. W. Maj & AAAG.  16./20. | freedman or compelled freedmen to contract with any party, and posess no knowledge of any thing of the kind having been done-

I explained to them that it was the wish of the Government that they should make contracts and go to work, and if they persisted in not doing so that the Government would withdraw from them its protection and support - In my effort to bring about a better state of things I have been nobly seconded by Mayor Kidd & the municipal authorities - The Vagrant laws of the State have been rigidly enforced, and rather than suffer the penalty of the law as vagrants, hundreds have made contracts and gone on to Plantations and are now earning an honest livelihood - I am happy to state that Aberdeen can boast of having as few vagrants within her limits as any town in the South, & that the plantations round about are well supplied with laborers who are working with a cheerfulness & alacrity unsurpassed since the Negro was set free -

P.S. Mayor Kidd in enforcing the Vagrant laws began taking up white people first - and no discrimination has been made on account of color
I have the honor to be
Very respy your Obedt Svt
Sd, Frank J Tedford

Bureau RF&AL Office Sub Comr
Columbus Miss Feby 12" 67.

Respectfully returned to Major A. W. Preston A.A.A. Genl with reference to endorsement of F. J. Tedford Agt Bureau for Mon. & Chickasaw Cos.
Geo. S. Smith
Bt Major Sub Comr |

| Wills A. W. Lt Col & AQM  21 | Endorsement on Communication from Lt Col Wills A.Q.M. Corinth Miss inquiring relative to filling up transportation orders

Bureau RF&AL Office Sub Comr
Columbus Miss Feby 14" 67.

Respectfully returned to Lt Col Wills A.Q.M. with the information that the order for transportation was, in each instance, filled up for but four persons including the one mentioned by name- The receipt was signed, so my assistant who had charge of the matter informs me, by the conductor.
Geo. S. Smith
Bt Major Sub Com'r |

| Lacey E. H. Mrs -  22 | Endorsement on Communication from Mrs E. H. Lacey, relative to discrepancy in School Report from Okolona
L.2. F.B.D.C. 1867 -

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L Office Sub Commissioner
Columbus Miss Feb 19th 1867 -

Respectfully returned to Mrs E H Lacey with the remark that the discrepancy in the Report relative to the No of pupils lost & gained during the month of January cannot be reconciled by any manner of figuring. I enclose herewith blanks recently furnished from office of Asst Comr. at Vicksburg. Please make out corrected report according to this form paying particular attention to the Certificate attached. which will enable you to realize the aid afforded by Govt for freedmens schools
Geo. S. Smith
Capt & Bvt Major
Sub Comr |