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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 8th, 1903.

Guan M. Hutton, Esq.,
#838 Hollins Street,
[[strikethrough]] Boston, Mass. [[/strikethrough]] Baltimore, Md.

My dear Sir:--
I remember with pleasure your kind hospitality of a few weeks ago when I called at your home to see the "Wapping" by the late Mr. Whistler. I believe I told you at the time that I was co-operating with the Copley Society of Boston in arranging for the Memorial Exhibition of Mr. Whistler's work which is to be given under the auspices of the Copley Society beginning February 23rd, next, and closing during the latter part of March. Since then, I have met with the officers of the Copley Society, and I am sure you will be pleased to know that they are meeting with great success in their undertaking. They have already received promises of very important pictures from both American and European collectors. Miss. Birnie-Philip, the executrix of Mr. Whistler's will, has kindly consented to loan several important specimens from Mr. Whistler's personal collection, and is doing what she can to help this very