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MEDMORANDUM of KAKEMONO purchased from 


[[4 Columned Table]]
| M. T. Nos. | Artist | Description | Cost |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | Okio | A duck diving. Keep [[checkmark]] | £ 10 -   $50.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 135, 136 & 137. | Okio | A set of 3 landscapes. K [[checkmark]] | 20 - 100.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 127, 128 & 129 | Okio | A set of 3 landscapes. K  [[checkmark]] | 15 75.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 169 | Hokusai | Figure K [[checkmark]] | 10 50.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 91 & 92 | Kano Tanshin | A set of 2. Flowers. K [[checkmark]] | 10 50.00 [[checkmark]] | 

| 9 | Zaimei | Cats K [[checkmark]] | 10 50.00 [[checkmark]] | 

| 23 | Chinzan | Tree and flowers. [[[checkmark]] K [[checkmark]] | 10 50.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 31 | Sesshiu [[/strikethrough]] n [[strikethrough]] (?)[[checkmark]] | Landscape [[checkmark]] out | 10 50.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 13 | Buncho (?) [[checkmark]]| Geese Out | 5 25.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 149 | Zeshin [[checkmark]] | Figure [[/strikethrough]] Keep [[strikethrough]] out | 7 35.00 [[checkmark]] |

| 173 | Hokusai (?) [[checkmark]] | Fuji yama Out | 10 50.00 [[checkmark]] | 

| 112 | Korin (?) | [[checkmark]] | Flowers Out [[checkmark]] | 17 80.00 [[checkmark]] | 

| 110 | Sotatsu | Flowers K [[checkmark]] | 8 35.00 [[checkmark]] |

 |152 | Ganku | Figures K [[checkmark]] | 10 50.00 [[checkmark]] |

£ 152 
$750.00 [[checkmark]]

[[note]] (33 drawings (original) of The Hundred Poets Collection (still in Europe $150 - 750.00 [[checkmark]] [[/note]]