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Headqrs. Dist of Tex
[[strikethrough]] Austin [[/strikethrough]] Galveston. Dec. 25. 1867

Randall J. L. Esq. 
S.A.C Sterling, Tex

General Howard Commissioner is desirous to dispose of all the property in the hands of the Bureau, and for that purpose directs that you examine and report upon the title of that Brazos Factory; ascertain what is the record title in the County clerk's office and send certified copies of all deeds, and take the evidence of any person or persons who can furnish any information in relation to how, when, and by whom the factory was built and for what purpose it was used: by what means it was built from and to what [[strikethrough]] purpose [[/strikethrough]] use its products were applied and generally all information you will obtain in the form of affidavits and forward to me at Austin, Texas, Hd qrs, Dist of Tex, as soon as practicable. 
By Command of Bt. Maj. Gen'l Reynolds, 
J. P. Richardson
1st Lt. 26 Infy & A.A.A.G.

Hdqrs. Dist of Tex.
B.R.F & A.L
Austin, Dec. 27. 1867.

Howard Maj Genl O. O.
Commission &c 
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following reports for the month ending Nov 30. 1867:
"Report of Citizen Agents & Clerks"
"Report of changes among officers & Agents"
"Monthly Return of Refugees"
"Monthly Return of Freedmen"
& "Monthly Report of Lands"


I am Genl. Very Resp.y.
Your Obt Servt
J J Reynolds
Bt Maj Genl U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner
Dist of Texas

*The Lands in Anderson CO. although seized by the Agent of the Bureau for said county some time since, have not been reported to the Comsr previous to this date, owing to the neglect of the Agent in making his report.

Hd qrs. Dist of Tex
B.R.F. & A.L.
Austin Dec. 28. 1867

Baldwin, D. J.
U.S. Dist Atty.
Houston, Texas,

Dear Sir,
Enclosed please find a true copy of endorsement made, by General Howard on the communication of E. M. Harris, S.A.C. at Columbus, Tex, dated Augt. 28. 1867 recommending the seizure of what was the Columbus, Tex R.R. but now merged by an act of the legislature into the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos & Colorado R.R. 
Upon due consideration of the subject it is not deemed advisable to make the seizure recommended by Mr. Harris.
Please notify the officers of the company of this decision. 
I am, Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt., 
J J Reynolds
Bt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A., 
Asst Commissioner,
Dist. of Texas.

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