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Head qrs. Dist of Texas
Austin, Jany, 6, 1868
Howard May, Genl, O, O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.
There the honor to acknowledge receipt of letter from the office of Genl Supt of Schools dated Dec 24 1864. and request 350 Copies of Ed. form No 4.
I am, Genl, Very Respectfully,
Your obt Sert
JJ Reynolds
Bt. Maj. Genl U.S.A
Asst Comsr

Head qrs, Dist of Tex
Austin, Jany 6.1868.
Howard Maj General O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.
379/381 General,
I have the honor to transmit herewith the following Reports for the month of Dec. 1867.
"Report of citizen Agents [& Clerks
Report of changes among officers & Agents
Monthly Return of Refugees
Monthly Return of Freedmen
Monthly Report of Abandoned Lands"
I am, Genl, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Sert"
J. J. Reynolds
Bt. Maj. Gen. U.S.A. Asst Commsr
State of Texas


Head Qrs. Dist. of Texas
Austin, Texas, Jany 4 1868
Howard Maj. Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c 
Washington D.C.
380/390 General.
I have the honor to request that Mr. E. C. Bartholomew, at present Clerk of this Bureau, may be appointed an Agent of the Same, in place of WB Maxwell (resigned), at a salary of One hundred and Fifty (150) dollars per month, to date January 1st 1868.
I am, General, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Serv't
JJ Reynolds
Bt. Maj. General USA
Asst Commissioner
State of Texas 
File in [[?]]

Head qrs, Dist of Texas
Austin, Texas, Jany 5, 1868
Davis, John M. Esq
The case of the girl Emeline Grosbeck has been investigated by the Sub asst. Commissioner at Austin, and it is not deemed advisable to send her to her parents. She is well fed and clothed, instructed in reading and other studies and in every respect as well treated as her best friends could desire.
She does not desire to leave Mrs Phillips, on the contrary she strongly objects to be sent to her mother.
If money has been advanced to pay her fare to Houston, I suppose it is in the hands of Lieut. Kirkman who is not now connected with this office.
He has been ordered to his Regt. and will probably join in at Brownsville, Texas in the course of a month.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Sert.
JP Richardson
1st Lieut 26 Inf