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head qrs. Dist of Texas
Bureau R.F & A.L.
Austin, Texas. April 23 1868

Horton W. H.
Sub asst Com.
State of Texas

Sir, -
You will transfer to 1st. Lieut. J. P. Richardson, 26 US. Infy A.A.A. Genl. the funds arriving from the sale of hogs in the City of Dallas by your Order No 5, dated, Dallas, Texas, Sept 5, 1867.
By command of Bt. Maj. General J. J. Reynolds
J. P. Richardson
1 Lieut. 26 Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.

Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau. R.F & A.L.
Austin, Texas. April 23, 1868.

Peterson 1 Lt. H. C.
Sub Asst Com.
Lockhart, Texas.
L.R. K 53.

I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to acknowledge receipt of your report in the Case of Michael Keck Vs. J. L. Galbraith and John Mackey, and to say that your action in the case is approved.
I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
J. P. Richardson
1st. Lieut. 26" Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.


Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau. R.F & A.L.
Austin, Texas. April 4, 1868.

Kirkman W. G.
Sub. Asst. Com.
Boston, Tex.
LR M 186.

I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to acknowledge receipt of the petition of A. R. Moores, forwarded by  you, asking that a fine of $20. assessed by you and collected on the 12 Sept. 1867, be remitted.
Your action in the case is sustained, the fine can be transmitted.  
I am, Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt.
J. P. Richardson
1st. Lieut. 26. Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.

Head qrs. Dist. of Texas.
Bureau. R.F & A.L.
Austin, Texas. April 24/68.

Butler James P.
Sub. Asst. Com.
Huntsville, Texas.
LR E 38.

I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to acknowledge receipt of your report in the case of H M Ellmore, and to state that your action is approved.
You are authorized to compel the payment of the fine assessed by imprisonment or seizure and sale of property. 
I am, Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
J. P. Richardson
1st. Lieut. 26 Inf.
A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
2/27 - all done