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390  391

Head grs. 5 Milty. Dist. 
State of Texas. 
Bureau of R., F.  & A.L.,
Austin, Texas, Aug. 27 1868

Neely Wm. J. 
Sub Asst. Com.
Victoria, Texas. 

Sir :-

General Reynolds' application to general Howard for your appointment as an Agent of the Bureau has been returned indorsed as follows.
"The Secretary of War requires definite information respecting the applicants for appointments; especially whether they have been Officers a soldiers in the US Service"

Please furnish this office with the desired information that the application for your appointment may be returned to General Howard with the same.
If you can furnish recommendations it might be well to be so.

I am, Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Serv't.,
C.S. Roberts
1 Lieut. 17 Inf.,
Bt. Capt. U.S.A. A.A.A. Genl.


Head qrs 5 Milty. District
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
State of Texas
Austin, Texas, Aug. 28. 1868.

Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.
See L.S. page 314
See L.R. (R. 160)

On the 9th of June 1868 I forwarded an application to your Headquarters signed by Mrs. N.J. Rawlings, asking that 156 1/2 acres of land now held by the Bureau as abandoned property be returned to her, she stating that she had never deeded it to the Confederate Government and inclosing from the County Clerk a certificate that no deed was on file in his office to show that said property ever was sold.

Upon the application I placed the following indorsement "Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen. O.O. Howard, Commissioner &c with the recommendation that the 156 1/2 acres be restored to Mrs. N.J. Rawlings, it being believed that the United States have no title and that the 2 1/3 acres be sold under Sec. 12, Act of July 16, 1866. the proceeds to be turned over to the school fund. This land will bring not more than 200 or 300 dollars"

Since these papers were forwarded my Inspector has been to Anderson County, in which the land is located and after a thorough investigation reports that the 156 1/2 acres were regularly deeded to an Asst. Quartermaster of the Confederate Government; that the deed was signed as the laws of the state require; that upon the land were erected, during the war by the Confederate authorities, a large two story factory, built in the strongest and best manner, which is yet in good condition, and also fifteen small dwelling houses which were built for the operatives to live in.

In view of these facts, which were not properly presented to me owing to neglect on the part of the Sub Asst. Comr of Anderson Co. I desire to reconsider my recommendation of the 9th of June and respectfully ask authority to advertise and sell the property in question for the benefit of the U.S. Government.

In asking authority sell this property I would ask that it include all the land held in Anderson possession (copies are inclosed). Please return the papers forwarded on the 9th of June - It seems probable that the County records of Anderson County have been mutilated and the papers referred to may be necessary to restore the record.

I am, Genl.,
Your Obt Servt
J.J. Reynolds
Bt. Major General, U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner
State of Texas