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properly before him a complaint-embodied in an affidavit and sworn to by one Randell Brooks, freedman, alledging that Jas. L. Dial was falsely imprisoning the children of Ferriby, three or more in number; that on said affidavit, dated 14 the instant, your respondent, as in duty bound, proceeded to have said Dial arrested, so as to enable your respondent to examine into said charge of imprisonment. And further, that on or about the same time, there was an affidavit filed before your respondent, charging said Dial and others with threatning to kill one Peter Cunningham all of which is prosecuted in the name and by the authority of the United States and against the peace and dignity of the same & under & to answer which said charges the said Dial is now held in custody. Respondent, further answers that said Dial during the proceedings in the above cases-committed a gross contempt of your Respondent's authority as a court of competent Jurisdiction, for which your respondent properly imposed a fine, for the payment of which your respondent holds said Dial in custody. It is so well established that all courts are sole Judges