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Office Sub Asst. Com. 
Crockett Texas Oct. 20" 1866

Col Henry A Ellis
A.A.A. General 


I have the honor to report that I have deemed it unadviseable to undertake the performance of the duties enjoined by Circular No 21 C.S. from H'd. Qur. B.R.F. and A.L. State of Tex. First because I have no means of traveling nor do I understand that the Government furnishes any. Second because I am convinced from the present state of things in the county that but little good could result there from. I am embarrassed by my position but have tried to do the best thing. Few freedmen visit my office because I cannot help them much. Few planters visit me either because I am unable to help them or because I cannot protect their freedmen. Things as far as I know are generally quiet considering all things. The worm did not touch all the late cotton in the Trinity Bottom. 

Very respectfully
You ob't. serv't.
L.S. Barnes
Major and Sub. Asst. Com