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Henry Jackson - Freedman - being duly sworn, did depose as follows
I Henry Jackson of Upshur Co did contract on or about the 1st day of June 1866,for a compensation of $35.00 per month, and worked until the latter part of September where John Aldrige, the man with whom I contracted accused me of being the cause of a boy (colored), running away from him, said boy was about 15 years of age - and he went to, accompanied by his brother Wm. Aldrige, Wm. Kemps, and found the boy (whose name was Silas) and Wm. Aldrige shot the boy Silas with a navy six (revolver) hitting him in the thigh, the ball passing clear through, not injuring the bones in anyway; took place at Wm. Kemps, 5 miles from Gillmer, Upshur Co. Texas, after shooting the boy they enquired "where" Henry (meaning me), God damn him we'll have him to night or break his neck, where upon Mr. Kemp came out and they ran off and they threatened me so hard, that I had to leave, and forfeit all my pay due, and leave two of my children