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Henry Jackson-Freedman- being duly sworn did depose as follows
I, Henry Jackson of Upshaw Co, did contract with one Mathew Caswell (white-man) on or about the 1st day of February 1866, for one third (1/3) of the crop, and in May last, he Mathew Caswell, whipped my niece Indiana (colored), with a hickory root, severely, cutting her badly about the head and face, whereupon I demonstrated with him about his whipping her, whereupon he told me to "shut up, damn you if you say anything to me I will take and wear you out," whereupon I said "Mr Caswell, I do not want to have any trouble with any one," when he Mr Caswell, said "damn you I suppose you are a free-man are you, damn you I'll jerk some of you free-men down," and he then went to the house and took his gun and sat on the gallery of his house waiting, as he said, to shoot me, and I fearing that he would shoot me, lay out in the lot, for about two hours, when I sent by my neice to tell him to come to me, and he came with his gun in his hand, and raised it six times to shoot me, and I