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beleive would have shot me had, his wife, and my wife begged him not to shoot me. he then took up a piece of rail and struck me three times very hard, crippling me badly, and one hand, my left hand, I had to carry in a sling for about three weeks; and after beating me with the rail, he went back to his house, and said, "when you are gone from here God damn you, report me to the 'Yankees',and I will kill you at the first sight," and after I was gone from him, some six weeks he came to where I was working in John, Aldriges field and raised his gun to shoot me, whereupon David Aldrige, who was present - kept him from shooting me, and he at the time said, he would rather bleed me than to eat a good meal & victuals;" he then left the field, and I have not seen him since

Sworn and subscribed to this 28th day of Novr. 1866, before me Frank M Smith Clerk of Bureau of R.F. & A.L. at Marshall Texas.

Henry Jackson X his mark
lives 5 miles from Gilmer on Capt Wrights old place

Thomas Bayley
Colonel U.S.V. Sub Asst. Com'r