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Office Sub Asst Com Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & A Lands
Marshall Texas Dec 6th 1866

My dear General
By reason of old acquaintance I take the liberty of thus addressing you and making a request to the effect, that you would appoint me Sub Asst Com. at this station to take effect from my muster out of service. My wife desires to remain here with her child during the winter, and of course, I desire to remain also. In fact if I should take them north now, it would not be unattended with danger hence if you can give me that appointment. please telegraph and I will start immediately for New Orleans and return to duty as soon as I am mustered out of service.
By granting this request you will confer a great favor on Mrs Bayley who desires remembrance to you and
Your obt Servt
Thomas Bayley
Col & Sub Asst Com

Transcription Notes:
1.18.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review