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James Reast on oath being duly sworn on oath deposes and says,
I first became acquainted with Abram Milstead in the summer of 1861, He came to this, Cameron County with four of his sons, Green, Joe, George, and Aleck, on a visit to see the country. He called the four boys above mentioned “his sons”. and expressed a desire to become a resident on this river in case he should find a place to suit him.  He finally purchased the Nacatal ranche of Mr Charles Stillman and immediately prepared to improve and cultivate the said ranche. Mr. Green Milstead by permission lived on the same ranche. In about two months afterwards, Mr. Milstead came from the [[?]] bringing his family, which consisted of Mrs Anna Milstead and her children, [[strikethrough]] together with [[\strikethrough]] also bringing his stock and household furniture.  Of the boys above mentioned Aleck was a son of Anna Milstead, Green and George Milstead also brought their families - Green is known also as Alexander G. Milstead which is his proper name. Mr Milstead, Abram, being a near neighbor of mine, I became intimately acquainted with him. When in frequent conversations with him, he expressed a concern for his colored children, & always, evinced a desire to protect them by leaving his property to them jointly and with his son George and always remarked