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Live Oak and took us down to The Rio Grande river, to Hidalgo County near where I now live I lived with him here as his wife until about the last of December 1865 [[strikethrough]] when he started to return to Mobile Alabama, taking myself and five children with him [[/strikethrough]]. I had borne to him while living in Hidalgo County three children. For bringing myself and children to Mexico, Abram Milstead paid Green Milstead seven hundred dollars, besides giving him a colored boy who was about sixteen years of age. Abram Milstead said our papers had not been properly made out.
I lived with Abram Milstead as his wife up to the time of his death which occurred at White's Ranch Texas about the 16th of February 1866.  He had started to go to Sabin Pass in Texas. He took with him myself and five of my children.  He was intending to settle us down on a place there for a home.  George Milstead, his wife and three children went with us.  At the time of Abram Milstead's death Mr. George Lurvin was there also.  Before we left the ranch in Hidalgo County Abram Milstead had sold it, the money for which he had in one of his trunks. he right before he died, he, Abram Milstead, called George Lurvin, his son, George Milstead, and myself to him. My son Aleck was also present.  Abram Milstead handed to George Milstead a key to the trunk