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which he said contained his money, that received from the sale of the ranch and some accumulated in other ways. I do not know how much there was of it. He told George Milstead that of that money which was in the trunk, two hundred dollars was to be given to my son Aleck, and of the balance over one half was to be given to me, for myself and children. He further told George that he Abram Milstead left him George Milstead as the guardian for my children, and called George Lurvin to witness the fact also what disposition he wished made of the money in the trunk.  Besides this money there was a large amount of stocks, cattle, horses and goats which were left with Mr. Lurvin, to be retained as I understood by him for a year, or thereabouts until Mr Abram Milsteads return. The next morning after Mr Milstead had given George Milstead the directions relating to the disposition he desired made of his property he died.
After the death of Abram Milstead, George Milstead and Mr Lurvin went to Brazos Santiago George Milstead taking his family with him - George Milstead also took the trunk [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] which contained Mr Abram Milstead's money and everything else [[strikethrough]] with him [[/strikethrough]], except two trunks, one of which came back from White's Ranch to Brownsville in a wagon, the other I brought up with myself, on a boat to Brownsville.  I also brought back my bed clothes and wearing apparel. There was in