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the trunk which I brought myself from Whites Ranch about three hundred and sixty dollars, ($360.) sixty-dollars of which belonged to my son, Aleck he having received the money for cows which he had sold. the cows having been given him by Abram Milstead. The balance of the money was my own, it had not belonged to Abram Milstead. When I got to Brownsville the sheriff of Cameron County seized my trunks and took them to the Court House, where they were searched, and the whole of the three hundred and sixty-dollars was taken out. The trunks were then delivered to me again by the Sheriff. I then came back up to the ranch in Hildalgo County. I have never received this money back. I have since been living on the same ranch, the one where I had lived with Abram Milstead and which he had sold to Mr Lurvin.  Green Milstead has also been occupying the same ranch since Abram Milstead died Green Milstead has in no way supported me, except that once in a while I have gone to him and received from him sometimes a peck, sometimes half a peck of corn, not to exceed two bushels in all: or once in a while a piece of meat when he killed a beef, or a little tea, or coffee, or sugar when I could get none anywhere else.  During this time I have had a good deal of sickness in my family.  My son Aleck has worked for Green