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Pacience Milsted being sworn testafies as follows-
on or about the latter part of January 1866.  I with my husband (George Milsted) left the Ranch. Vacated in Hidalgo County with his father Abram Milsted and family to go to Sabine Pass, Texas. On our way we stoped at Brownsville and remained there about two weeks on account of bad health.  Abram Milsted health improving we proceeded to Whites Ranch, where he was taken sick again and died.  My husband and self with George Turrin proceeded to Brazos Santiago and Anny Milsted and children returned to Brownsville.  My self and husband took five trunks and money of Abram Milsted with us when we went to Brazos, Santiago and was then arrested and brought to Brownsville and all the money and effects taken from us that previously belonged to Abram Milsted. I do not know whether Anny Milsted had any money of her own or not. Anny Milsteds son Ellick Milsted had about sixty Dollars of his own money it was taken away from him by Green Milsted.  Abram Milsted recognized all the children he had by this colored woman Anny Milsted as his own  Abram Milsted expressed a desire that a portion of his property should go to his colored children and their mother.
Patience Milsted

Subscribed and sworn before me at Santa Maria Tex. this 13th day of February 1867
James P Butler Sub Asst Comr B R F & A.L.