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Warrant issued by E Downey Chief Justice
July 18, 1866. - "Recd by Sheriff July 18, 1866
and Executed as follows, viz. 
by seizing and taking into my possession 1 Wagon, 2 setts Harness and 3 Mules - in Brownsville and $351.00.  Also by going to Brazos Santiago and seizing five trunks containing 3206.87 in gold and silver coin, also a $2 note U.S. currency, 1 Pistol and Holster, 1 Rifle, a lot of bedding, 2 trunks and sundry articles, also a lot of papers said to be title deeds &c  The Administrator A.G. Milsted was present at the seizure of the Trunks Money &c at the Brazos, was present when the Money was counted.  All of the foregoing was turned over to said Administrator whose receipt is herewith enclosed.
Signed Geo Dye Sheriff