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in case Milsted refused to refund this money, I have had to turn him over to the Comd. officer of this post for safe keeping until the case can be reported to your Head Quarters for instructions.
I am Sir very Respectfully
Your obedient Servent
James P Butler
Sub Asst Comr
Bureau R.F. & A.L.

It is necessary to a full understanding of the case to add that Millsted was arrested by order of Gen Reynolds on my application and is now in prison. A Writ of Habeas Corpus was served on General Reynolds and compliance declined for the following reasons."

"The prisoner is held by authority of the President of the U.S. in accordance with Act of Congress of July 16th, 1866 Sec 14, Entitles an act to continue in force and to amend "An act to establish a Bureau for the relief of Freedmen and Refugees and for other purposes"; Act of Congress of April 9th, 1866, Sec 9, entitles "An Act to protect all persons in the United States in their Civil Rights and to furnish the means of their vindication"; instructions from the Asst Commissioner of Bureau of Refugee Freed-