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& strife re-enthroned, when my path was just getting smooth & open - to have principle overturned that was working such magic effects all around me.  Suppose the principle is overthrown - that a freedman shall pay no regard to his contract or obligation - that any one may hire away those upon whom another is depending for bread & support for his family; confusion strife & disaster stalks abroad - 
From the fickle nature of the negro, they would be first one place, then another, pulled & hawled to their own injury & that of the planting interest, with no permanent feeling or affection for any place as a Home.  The nature of a white man is such that when he has placed his all, be it little or much, in any interest as it begins to bloom, sees its props torn away by the hand of another, is more than can be borne with tolerance, no matter what is law or custom- hence innumerable feuds will distract our country, in some respects, more bitter & deadly than those of Highland & Lowland Scotch, broils and counter-broils must ensue in strife & bloodshed contemplation is painful, what of reality &